Discover the world of Internorm
Now Internorm windows are even more affordable: with the Ecobonus you get a discount on your bill and pay half price for them!

Today is the best time to buy your new Internorm windows!
With the 2022 Ecobonus, your Internorm windows cost half as much.
You save 50% thanks to the tax credit and can apply for it to save right away!
So get the highest energy-saving performance, lots of comfort in your home, more security and a sense of well-being you didn’t know before, at half the price.
Why Internorm?
More than 27 million windows installed throughout Europe for the leader in PVC, PVC/aluminum, wood/aluminum windows and doors.
For more than 30 years in Italy, Internorm has been the ideal choice for renovations and new construction, with a range of windows and balcony doors that provide security, insulation and durability
Internorm offers the most advanced technology for windows and doors throughout its range of windows and doors. The I-tec brand indicates the set of technologies that endow windows and doors with special features.
Glazing, Security, Hardware and Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (CMV) make Internorm windows and doors unique.
You can get windows in a wide variety of solutions and designs-windows with concealed frames, coplanar or squared frames, or windows with rounded frames and casement profiles-to suit every architectural style and design of your home.
Of course, you can also choose windows such as a balcony door, terrace door, sliding window or door, sliding lift, elements with large glazed areas or finesse wide range includes: three for the basement.
PVC Windows

Il PVC è davvero un materiale fantastico. E’ economico, di facile manutenzione, resistente alle intemperie, impermeabile all’umidità e ha una ridotta conducibilità termica, per questo viene impiegato nei più diversi settori, tra cui la realizzazione di serramenti. Se riscaldato infatti, il PVC è estremamente malleabile e permette così di realizzare svariate forme di finestre come quelle triangolari o quelle ad arco a tutto sesto e a sesto acuto. Quando poi si indurisce diventa invece un materiale molto robusto. Per questo motivo gli agenti atmosferici riescono difficilmente a scalfire le finestre in PVC e quindi la manutenzione è particolarmente agevole.
Offriamo una vasta gamma di modelli in molte varianti di design. Ma tutti hanno una cosa in comune: la vetratura I-tec. Tutte le finestre in PVC di Internorm sono dotate di questo incollaggio perimetrale del vetro al profilo del battente. In questo modo si migliorano stabilità, isolamento termico ed acustico, protezione contro intrusioni.
PVC and aluminium windows

White PVC windows are still the rage among the windows sold. However, many customers demand PVC aluminium windows – and not without reason. The aluminium shell on the outside is not only easy to clean but can also be rejected in many colours and textures. Stainless steel or metallic colours are in vogue. Beige and brown tones are also increasingly in demand, as are countless shades of grey.
In addition to the many different window colours and designs, we also offer technical “goodies” such as I-tec ventilation. This ventilation can be installed directly into the window frame KV 440 or KF 410. In addition, you can set the ventilation, the recirculation speed and even individually for each window and thus for each room. White PVC windows are still the rage among the windows sold. However, many customers demand PVC aluminium windows – and not without reason. The aluminium shell on the outside is not only easy to clean but can also be rejected in many colours and textures. Stainless steel or metallic colours are in vogue. Beige and brown tones are also increasingly in demand, as are countless shades of grey. In addition to the many different window colours and designs, we also offer technical “goodies” such as I-tec ventilation. This ventilation can be installed directly into the window frame KV 440 or KF 410. In addition, you can set the ventilation, the recirculation speed and even individually for each window and thus for each room.
Wood-aluminum windows

Wood windows are unbeatable in naturalness and comfort. An aluminium shell applied on the outer side protects the wood from weathering. A special foam between the wood and aluminium, provides perfect thermal insulation and excellent U-values.
We use only the best parts of the tree for our wood-aluminium windows. Wood grain and homogeneous surface ensure even more value to the window frame. In addition to the classic types of wood, such as spruce and larch, we also offer oak, ash and walnut. All of them are available in different colours. Thus it will be possible to perfectly match your windows to your floors and interior doors.
The new KF 520 window

The right window design plays an important role with regard to well-being in the home. The slim frames of the new KF 510 window, combined with a simple, square look, form the basis of modern architecture. The slim frame without an interior glazing bead provides more space for glass, ensuring good room lighting and a full view of nature.

Concealed inside the sash is the revolutionary I-tec Secure hardware, which, with its patented tilting-hinge mechanism, provides maximum security in the home.
Grazie al pregiato vetro basso emissivo ECLAZ® di serie, il comfort abitativo tra le quattro mura domestiche diventa realtà.
Learn more
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