
Italwood Trading

Italwood was founded in 1994 and immediately distinguished itself for its innovative spirit, offering prompt delivery of different types of parquet with ample opportunity for customization in both colors and sizes. All this, combined with service and quality, has determined its exponential growth, making it one of the most important realities on the national territory.

The company offers its customers the latest evolutions of parquet, more and more practical solutions, resistance, and of excellent quality guaranteed by strict certifications and eco-sustainable standards.

Luis® is a trademark registered by Italwood as an expression of the highest excellence in the art of designing and manufacturing wooden floors. The brand boasts a large number of certifications in addition to those required by law.

In addition to seven collections of parquet and fourteen of laminate, the company offers the Just in time service that allows the creation of a unique and customized floor according to customer needs.

The passion and love for wood, but above all for the work, bring it to be a brand recognized throughout Italy. Wood is much more than a simple material, it is living matter!


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